Fx Profits Lab has been setup with a strong vision to help and support investors, addressing the concerns as well as challenges on the investment grounds.
The minimum Account size for Retail is €5K, for Conservative trading €50K and for Institutional €250K
As we trade only with regulated brokerages and Bank, your funds are held on segregated accounts by the brokerage or bank. The security of investment solely depends upon the brokerage you choose.
Currently we work with Hogg Capital , IG Bank and TradeView , more brokerages and Banks are being negotiated with . We also accept accounts help at external brokerages of your choice. Consult us for details : trading@fxprofitslab.com
Currently we work with Hogg Capital , IG Bank and TradeView , more brokerages and Banks are being negotiated with. We also accept accounts help at external brokerages of your choice. Consult us for details : trading@fxprofitslab.com
A new trading account with no previous operations in it then Yes! You can easily connect the account to our Master on signing LPOA. Otherwise you can request them to open a new trading account instead your exiting account, it can be done within minutes.